Sunday, December 31, 2017


Teaching will not be successful if it is not interactive, if the teacher and students can’t communicate properly. Because having a good interaction between teacher and students is the key to have a quality classroom.

 This article talks about teacher-student interaction and how class organized. Class describes different dimensions of teaching that are linked to student achievement and social development. These dimensions falls into three broad categories: emotional support, classroom organization and instructional support.

Emotional support refers to the ways which teacher help the student to feel comfortable in class and make them love what they are doing. Classroom organization refers to the ways which teacher help the students to develop their skills and make them to be more interested in learning activities. Lastly, Instructional support refers to the ways which teacher support student’s cognitive development and language growth. These things help teachers to have good interactions and a quality classroom.

If you know how to handle your class properly you will have a quality classroom. If you want to be an effective teacher you must know how to catch the attention and the heart of your students. If you get the attention and touches the heart of your students you will surely have a good interaction to them. Class will be lively an active because you have good communication and interaction.

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Republic of the Philippines Bulacan State University College of Education City of Malolos, Bulacan A Portfolio Of ...